Case-Management Services

Case-Management Services

At Sabil USA, we understand that navigating complex systems and accessing essential services can be overwhelming and challenging. That is why we offer comprehensive case management services to support our clients in achieving stability and provide them with the tools to build brighter futures. Recognizing the diverse needs of our served populations and social determinants of health, our case managers provide tailored care and support on a case-by-case basis to develop personalized plans to achieve client goals.

Our top priority is providing culturally and linguistically competent services that reflect the needs of the people we serve. Our highly trained case managers understand the unique challenges that our clients may face and provide compassionate and practical support to help clients navigate complex systems and access essential services, including housing, healthcare, employment, education, financial assistance, and more. If you are interested in learning more about our case management services, please complete an application for assistance which can be found on our Home Page. We’re committed to maintaining the privacy and dignity of our clients, and will operate all programs with the utmost respect for your needs and preferences so you can reach your goals.